Thursday, October 27, 2011

Late on check-in, but writing!

Yes, check-in was yesterday. And yes I wrote two of the three days between check-ins. It wasn't a huge outpouring of words, but I'm getting in the habit/rhythm/groove.

Daughter is cringing, "Mom said 'groove'!" Or is that laughter I hear from 60 miles south? From the woman who got me into this and is now two weeks behind for check-in? : P
I'm kidding about the push, because her higher priorities are wife, new mom, back to work half time, and keeping the house on the foundation.

ROW80 goes to December 22? That could either be a challenge or a good time for me. Hubby is scheduled for surgery December 16, so I can laptop type type type three days in the hospital, and the next two weeks at home. In between the times, of course, when I play the roles of on-call nurse, taxi to therapy, short order cook, and home therapist. Throw in Christmas? No problem.

My survival mantra is adapted from Nemo ("just keep fishing"): Just keep writing, just keep writing...

1 comment:

  1. No one said the word spew had to be huge :) Groovy job. ;)
