Sunday, October 23, 2011

No NaNo

I am not doing NaNo. It is, from what I understand, a sprint -- and I blew out my knee many years ago!

This ROW80 is perfect for me. My main goal is to fit writing into my daily life. No, NO, not fit it in. Welcome it, enjoy it, get a "high" from it!

Yes, I'm a plotter, and for ROW80 I challenged myself to just get the words out. Many words swim around, dart around, smash around inside my head that I never capture them. The plotter side of my brain has agreed to let those words come out in jumbles to whatever media is available: captured on scraps of paper or whispered into the phone-recorder app or punched into the computer. It's better for me to capture the big fish and then later entice the little fish back.

And if a certain big fish doesn't belong in this cioppino (fish stew), then into the freezer it goes for a different fish tale at a later date.


  1. I'm not doing NaNo either. I have too many WIPs going to start a new one right now. Last year I was a rebel and worked on one that was already begun, made huge amount of progress on it, too, even though I didn't make it to the goal. But I've got too much going on this year to try again.

    Get down whatever you can and have fun with your multimedia scribblings.

  2. I know exactly how you feel. NaNo is like forcing writing into your life with a sledge hammer, of which you'll have to deal with the damage after NaNo is over. ROW80 works in tangent with life, which is awesome.

  3. Since you're a plotter and I'm a pantser (when it comes to writing), maybe we should co-write a novel. :)

  4. Love your check-in.

    Sorry i didn't pop by on Sunday. I didn't know enough to access the Linky Tool through the ROW site. Sigh!

    Anyhoo, keep fishin'.


  5. Brooke: I meant to steal a copy of your latest version this week, and certainly had opportunity when K napped. But I wrote a little, did some work-work, did some crossword/sudoku.
